An Active Role
Supporting public servants at the state and local levels.
Project Summary
The Transport Workers Union of America's Local 100 represents over 41,000 front-line transit workers, some private bus operators in NYC, and 26,000 retirees. As a result of important NYS public policies, such as congestion pricing, fare evasion deterrence, mass transit safety, wages & pensions, Local 100 members are constantly impacted.

Working with Union leadership, MirRam develops strategies at the state and local levels of government to support the committed public servants of Local 100. In addition to active engagement with elected officials and senior government staff, MirRam collaborates with other organized labor groups on laws that impact working men and women throughout NY State. In addition to New York, MirRam also works with the leadership of the union’s national chapter to advise on labor issues at the federal level and other regions throughout the country.

For over 20 years MirRam has been delivering hard fought victories for Local 100 members and mass transit riders impacting workplace safety & efficiencies, workers compensation, unemployment insurance and public pension laws.